Anirudh Thakur

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My Goals and Message to you for 2024

Hello, Bonjour, Namaste, Xin Chào ;)

Starting the new year with your loved ones and positive vibes is a blessing. I feel that we have a lot of events to look forward to and this year will be crucial for several reasons. Here are the few that I will be paying attention to:

New AI rules and Regulations may become a reality as there has been a lot of asking for having a Central Authority that dictates what is allowed and what isn't. For me, I will pay attention to what is considered AI art or not, what is protected and what is not, and what can be commercially sold and what can't be.

  1. Exciting tools and technologies will make their way in 2024. There has been a lot of news and tests have also been done successfully for unique vehicles like Supersized drones and Volocopters that will hopefully make air travel more exciting. We might not be there yet but 1 year is a lot of time. 2023 was that type of year certainly.

  2. AI tools and technologies will keep on getting better and many facets of our lives will be touched and disrupted by it. AGI might not show up this year but we will certainly see a few versions of ChatGPT, Midjourney 6(final version), 7 and maybe 8 will be out by the end of the year, Stable diffusion, and many downstream and upstream applications will get their fare share of the open-source goodness too, text-to-3D will be out too, and AI videos and films will be BIG in 2024. Watch out for Hollywood/Bollywood!

  3. A lot of people will either leave their jobs or push towards building passive income sources. AI might be very empowering to them as it can decrease the barrier for entries in content creation, documentation, running e-commerce businesses, etc.

  4. Wars in many parts of the world will keep polarizing the people on either side of the aisle. The Elections in the US, Taiwan, and India will further deepen the divide if people do not show compassion and willingness to understand each other and compromise on certain matters.

How to navigate through all this and make the most of this year?

I can share my plans and I hope some of them will make some sense to you.

I intend to do 5 things mainly:

  1. Educate and Apply: I will keep myself open and gather all sorts of ideas and topics I am interested in mainly including AI art, videos, positivity, productivity, and helping others. I will apply all the books, videos, ebooks, and posts that help me learn these topics and share my take/version of it.

  2. Health and Relationships: I have clear goals for the end of the year and I have divided those goals into sub-goals to build plans for each quarter and not procrastinate till the very end of the year. I want to lose weight, achieve certain milestones in the Gym for individual exercises, meditate every day for 10 minutes, and make it 30 minutes at the end of the year, etc.

    For Relationships, I have been reflecting a lot on my purpose and mortality, and I don't feel taking anyone for granted is the right thing to do. Appreciate everyone in your life and cut or distance yourself from those who affect your mental health. I will spend more time with my family and even give them several reasons to be happy. I have plans to take them on some trips and even celebrate certain events like Birthdays and anniversaries to further build memories that give deep pleasure and rejoicing.

  3. Traveling more will be another goal for me. Staying in my room and not going out enough can lead to an inferiority complex, a decrease in communication skills, and empathy for others also decreases. I have plans to travel abroad twice this year and I know it will be rewarding in many ways. I visited Vietnam last year and it was a beautiful experience and I can't wait to go back.

  4. Building Wealth: Applying all the skills and knowledge will be more motivating if it can also lead to financial incentives. Money and Wealth are not EVIL but how we earn it and use it makes the difference.
    Money can't buy happiness but it can certainly remove a lot of obstacles and friction that hinders us from exploring the full potential of our lives. I have a lot of plans for 2024 and therefore money will be very significant for me.

I will share most of my knowledge for free but for certain products and services, I will charge a fair amount of money. Of course, you will be the first ones to know about it and I intend to give the highest priority and importance to my email subscribers.

Write down your goals somewhere and try to make them actionable. There isn't anything that you can't achieve if you set your mind to it.

You can't wake up one day and be all skilled and perfect but you eventually build your skills and knowledge by taking one step at a time.

Connect with people with similar interests and think of ways that can be helpful for others too. Sometimes, the best businesses are those that solve a problem and not necessarily the ones that focus solely on the money. Find problems or solve problems that you and a few people in your niche share and weave that into a product or a service and the chances of it becoming a success will be higher. Just imagine doing the opposite of that and the odds will be 'Preeeettyyy clear' to you.

I don't want to stop writing but I need to work on the things I am preaching and talking about in the above paragraphs :p

Feel free to share this blog with anyone you think might want to hear all this. Do subscribe to my newsletter. It is a new journey that I have embarked on. Wherever I go, I will take you with me, and we can surely such good places ;)

Once again, a very Happy New Year 2024 :)